Abbreviations Acronyms Lingo Slang at DateSWM online dating

The language of online dating hookups, love, relationships, and sex has changed a lot over the years There are literally hundreds of news terms used to describe sexual preferences and orientation. Do you know the latest terms to describe your preferences and the online dating match you’re seeking? Listed below you’ll find a list of sex and dating terms for personal ads and online dating. Revisit our list when you have questions about abbreviations or acronyms in online dating.

Online language relating to dating and sex is constantly changing. Here are some terms used to describe preferences such as race, ethnicity, physical shape, sexuality, and religion. The list below is your personal glossary of acronyms and abbreviations used in personal ads and online dating.

A: Asian

ABG: Asian baby girl

ACA: all calls answered

AF: ass fuc-

AFF: adult friend finder

AL: animal over

ASL: age state location

ATM: ass-to-mouth

AZN: Asian

B&D, B/D: bondage and discipline or bondage and domination

B: black or brother, babe, bae, boo

BACKSLIDE: return to a former partner

BAE: baby, before anyone else

BB: barebacking

BB: bodybuilder

BBBW: big black beautiful woman

BBC: big black cock

BBW: big beautiful woman

BDSM: bondage, discipline, dominance, submission and sado-masochism

BEAR: big and hairy gay man

BF: black female

BF: boyfriend

BFFWB: best friend forever with benefits

BFWB: best friends with benefits

BHM: big handsome man

Bi: bisexual

BiF: bisexual female

BiM: bisexual male

BiMF: bisexual married female

BiMM: bisexual married male

BLK: black

BM: black man

BMW: big Mexican woman

BREADCRUMBING: sending flirty messages tokeep a potential lover interested

C: Christian

C: couple

C2c: cam to cam

CAR: catch and release

CATFISH: someone who creates a false identity online

CD: cross-dresser

CILF: cartoon I’d like to fuc-

CIM: come in mouth

CMIYC: catch me if you can

COM: come on body

CORN: pornography

CORNUCOPIA: homophobia

COTD: catch of the day

CPL: couple

CU: see you

CUFF: tie down in a relationship

CUFFED: married or already in a relationship

CUSHIONING: maintaining alternative romantic relationships

D/D: drug and disease

D/s: dominance and submission

D: divorced

D2F: down to fuc-

DADDY: dominant male, male partner

DateSAF: date single Asian female or straight Asian female

datesaf - date straight or single asian female

DateSAM: date single Asian male or straight Asian male

datesam - date straight
 or single asian male

DateSBF: date single Black female or straight Black female

datesbf - date straight or single black female

DateSBM: date single Black male or straight Black male

datesbm - date straight of single black male

DateSHF: date single Hispanic female or straight Hispanic female

dateshf - date straight or single hispanic female

DateSHM: date single Hispanic male or straight Hispanic male

dateshm - date straight or single hispanic male

DateSWF: date single White female or straight White female

dateswf - date straight or single white female

DateSWM: date single White male or straight White male

dateswm - date straight or single white male

DB: dead bedroom

DBF: divorced black female

DBM: divorced black male

DDF: drug and disease free

DF: drug free or disease free

DFK: deep French kissing

DL: down low

Dom: male dominant

Domme: female dominant

DTE: down to earth

DTF: down to fuc-

DTR: define the relationship

DWF: divorced white female

DWM: divorced white male

EAT OUT: perform oral sex on a woman

EDGE: Point just before orgasm

E-FIT: careful editing of social media posts so they serve as online dating profile


ENTANGLEMENT: complicated romantic relationship

EOD: equal opportunity dater

EVWE; extremely very well endowed

F: female

F2F: face to face

F9: fine, get rid, promiscuous

FA: fat acceptance or fat admirer

FAQ: frequently asked questions

FBO: facebook official

FOMO: fear of missing out

FSF: female seeking female

FSM: female seeking male

FTA: fun travel adventure

FTM: female to male transsexual

FTTB: for the time being

FWB: friend with benefits

FYI: for your information

G: gay

GAF: gay asian female

GAM: gay asian male

GBF: gay black female

GBM: gay black male

GC: gay couple

GF: gay female

GF: girlfriend

GFE: girlfriend experience

GG: game and giving

GG: genetic girl

GHF: gay Hispanic female

GHM: gay Hispanic male

GHOST: end conversation without explanation

GM: gay male

GOSH: good sense of humor

GOWM: gout with me

GREEK: anal sex

GTSY: good to see you

GWC: gay white couple

GWF: gay white female

GWM: gay white male

H/O: hangout

H: Hispanic

HAC: hot Asian chick

HASIAN; hot Asian

HAUNTING: when ex-partner reappears in your life

Het: heterosexual

HNG: horny net geek

HWP: height weight proportional

I: indian

IPT: is partial to

IRL: in real life

IRLY: I really like you

ISO: in search of

ISOLTR: in search of long term relationship

J: jewish

JBY: just be yourself

JELLY: jealous

JELLY-ROLL: genetalia

K: kids

KITTY: vagina

KRAY BAE: crazy baby

L: latino or latina

L: lesbian

LAYBY: someone you are dating while waiting for better options

LBGTQ: lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer (or questioning)

LD: light drinker

LDA: long distance affair

LDH: long distance hug

LDR: long distance relationship

LDS: later day saints or mormon



LE$BEAN: lesbian

LFG: looking for group

LGBT: lesbian gay bisexual transgender

LOCKERING: using academic studiess an excuse for cooling a relationship

LS: life story, light smoker

LSA: limited strings attached

LTR: long term relationship

LV: love

M: male or married

M4M: man for man

M4MW: man for man and woman

M4T: male for transsexual

M4T: male for transvestite

M4W: man for woman

MBA: married but available

MBC: married black couple

MBiC: married bisexual couple

MBL: married but looking

MBM: married black male

MEET CUTE: a romantic first encounter

MHC: married Hispanic couple

MLTR: multiple long term relationships

MM: married man or marriage minded

MONKEY: someone who moves quickly from one relationship to the next

MOTOS: member of the opposite sex

MOTSS: member of the same sex

MTAF: more than a friend

MTF: male-to-female transsexual

MUNCH: a guy who performs oral sex on a woman

MW4M: man and woman for man

MW4MW: man and woman for man and woman

MW4W: man and woman for woman

MWC: married white couple

NA: native American

NBSB: no boyfriend since birth

ND: no drugs

NETFLIX AND CHILL: chill with someone in front or tv, usually an invitation to have sex

NGSB: no girlfriend since birth

NIP NOPS: nipples

NON-DATE DATE: a date arranged as a social get together rather than a romantic event

NRI: non-resident indian

NS: nonsmoking

NSA: no strings attached

OAT: on a thing

OBOE: penis

OM4YM: older male for younger male

ONS: one night stand

OSO: other significant other

OTH: on the hook or off the hook

OTTER: slim and hairy gay man

OWC: oral without condom

PEACOCKING: dressing up for social media photos

PEGGING: female to male/female anal sex with a strapon

PF: professional female

PLAYER: romantically or sexually promiscuous person

PM: professional male

PNP: party and play

POF: plenty of fish

POSSLQ: personof opposite sex sharing living quarters

PSE: porn star experience

PUSSY: vagina

Q: cool

R-BOMBED; when your love interest ignores your messages

RL: real life

RO: reverse oral

ROUGH TRADE: casual sex between men from different social classes

RTS: real time sex

S&M, SM: sadomasochism

S: singles

SAF: single Asian female or straight Asian female

SAM: single Asian male or straight Asian male

SBF: single black female or straight black female

SBiF: single bisexual female

SBiM: single bisexual male

SBM: single black male or straight black male

SCF: single Christian female

SCM: single Christian male

SECKS: sex

SEGGS: sex

SGL: single

SHF: single Hispanic male or straight Hispanic male

SI: similar interests

SLAY: get a lot of dates

SLOW-FDING: slowly winding down contact with someone you have been dating

SM: sado-masochism

SMP: sexual marketplace

SNAOTR: spiritual not atheist or traditionally religious

SO: significant other

SOLA: single or living alone

STD: sexually transmitted disease

STI: sexually transmitted infection.

STR: short term relationship

STR8: straight

SUB: submissive

SWANK: second wife and no kids, single woman and no kids

SWF: single white female or straight white female

SWM: single white male or straight white male

SWPF: single white professional female

SWPM: single white professional male

SWS: sex without strings

T4M: transvestite looking for male, transgendered looking for a man

TDH: tall dark handsome

TEXTLATIONSHIP: a relationship based only on digital contact

TG: transgendered

THIRST TRAP: picture posted to attract attention

THIRSTY: desperate for a relationship

TLC: tender loving care

TRADE: young,, sexually attractive gay male

TRIM: vagina

TS: transexual

TV: transvestite

TYVM: thank you very much

UNCUFFING: ditching a long term relationship

V CARD: virgin card

VAS: vasectomy

VBD: very bad date

VGL: very good looking

VITAMIN-D: penis

VWE: very well endowed

W/E: well endowed

W/S: water-sports (fetish involving urine or enemas)

W: white/caucasion

W: widowed or white

W4M: woman for man

W4MW: woman for man and woman

W4W: woman for woman

WAA: will answer all


WLTM: would like to meet

WTR: willing to relocate

WUW: what are you wearing or who are you with

X-FACTOR: a very special personal quality

XLD: extremely light drinker

Y/O: year-old

Y: why, you or yours

YM4OM: younger male for older male

YODO: you only dump once

ZOMBIE: a ghost who reappears in your life (online or real)

Online dating abbreviations and personal ad acronyms have become quite popular and very rightly so because it’s possible to convey so much without having to write too much. Do you know of some other Digital Online Dating Abbreviations, Acronyms, Lingo, Slang and Cyber Definitions? If so, let us know.


The Eggplant emoji (🍆), also known by its Unicode name of Aubergine, is an emoji featuring a purple eggplant. Social media users on many platforms have noted the emoji’s phallic appearance and often use it as a euphemistic or suggestive icon during sexting conversations, to represent male genitalia.

The butt emoji, officially called the peach emoji, was first introduced in 2010 under Unicode 6.0. As its fuzzy, cleft appearance looks like a plump rear end, the peach emoji quickly came to stand for buttocks on social media platforms and in text messages, especially a woman’s in sexual contexts.

Modern online dating terms still got you mystified? Get more definitions for common online dating terms and find out what the slang really means by searching online! Ready to find your match or a date? Create accounts at both DateSWM | Online Dating Single Men & Women Date Near You and DateSWF | Online Dating Single Women & Men Date Near You. Upload photos of you and your favorite selfies. All types of adult 18+ singles are invited to join our new online dating sites including straight, gay, Asian, Black, Hispanic, White… Don’t delay, act today. Be one of the first to become free online dating members and come back often to see who has joined.

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